Most people envision a white or colourless precious stone when they think of diamond jewellery. Diamonds are a known favourite gemstone for engagement rings and other jewellery pieces. Many people, however, are unaware that coloured diamonds can be equally attractive. Frankly, the pink diamond’s popularity is constantly increasing.
Purchasing pink diamonds can be challenging if you are unsure how to choose the best ones. Do you know what makes a good investment diamond? Continue reading this pink diamond buying guide to learn more about the characteristics of these rare diamonds.

1. Select A Reputable Jeweller
It’s critical to comprehend why you’re looking for an Argyle pink diamond in the first place. You may wish to acquire a single gemstone as a personal or family investment, or you may want to transform it into one-of-a-kind jewellery.
This information will assist you in deciding where to purchase your diamond. Second, look for a jeweller who has experience working with pink diamonds. They know what to look for when investing in Argyle pink diamond.
Check if they have any certifications and feedback from previous customers. Thirdly, seek out a jeweller specialising in the type of jewellery you like to purchase. Take your time discussing your requirements with a vendor and browsing their website for possible options.
2. Recognise How Pricing Works
Colour differences and intensity affect the pricing of coloured diamonds. Due to the intensity difference, a fancy pale pink diamond will cost substantially less than a fancy pink diamond. Meanwhile, switching from fancy pink to fancy intense pink will typically not result in a considerable price difference.
The secondary tone of a diamond can also affect its pricing. A pink stone with a somewhat purple hue may be slightly less expensive than a diamond devoid of this hue. Although these are not precise comparisons, they should give you an idea of how pink diamonds are priced.
3. Evaluate The Level Of Clarity
Although pink diamonds are graded similarly to colourless diamonds, this attribute is less critical for fancy-coloured diamonds due to the stone’s hue. When all other conditions are equal, pink diamonds with fewer defects are more valuable.
Moreover, you don’t have to pay top money for a perfect diamond; a less expensive diamond with a lower clarity grade can appear just as flawless to the naked eye.
You also can obtain reasonably clean stones with no visible inclusions in the SI1-SI2 clarity range. Fancy-coloured pink diamonds in the VS and VVS clarity classifications are pricier but may not make a discernible difference.
4. Consider The Hue
Pink diamonds have a main pink tint, which is the diamond’s visible colour. Additionally, secondary colours can affect the value of stones.
Purple, brown, orange, and yellow are the most common secondary colours found in pink diamonds, with the last two being less appealing. Secondary hues that complement the primary hue increase the value, but secondary hues that detract from the primary hue reduce the price.
Pink diamonds with a secondary colour of purple, for example, command a higher price than pink diamonds with a secondary shade of brown. As a result, natural pink diamonds devoid of secondary hues are scarce and expensive.
5. Consider The Cut And Shape
Despite widespread confusion, cut and shape are not synonymous. Diamond cut refers to the quality of the diamond’s cut and its brilliance and ability to reflect light. This is critical in white diamonds, and most experts see it as the most vital aspect. After all, a diamond with a good colour/clarity ratio is nothing if it is downright dull. Hence, everything should make sense.
However, this is not the case with coloured diamonds. Rather than brilliance and sparkle, coloured diamonds are cut to accentuate the colour. The cut grade should not be viewed primarily as a criterion determining the diamond’s appeal.
Be suspicious of diamonds that have been badly cut. You are not required to accept an unsymmetrical design or a dull finish. Round coloured diamonds are more expensive than oval coloured diamonds in shape.
6. Examine The Tone
This property describes the lightness or darkness of a colour. Although your tone is subjective, excessively dark stones are less acceptable because of their intense brown secondary colours and lack of saturation.
The colour of a pink diamond is classified according to its hue and intensity. Pink diamonds are classified according to their colour using the following colour grades: Faint, Light, Very Light, Fancy, Fancy Light, Fancy Vivid, Fancy Intense, Fancy Dark, and Fancy Deep. If there is a secondary colour present, professionals also grade it.
Anyone can confidently purchase pink diamonds if they follow these instructions. Remember that ignorance is never bliss when buying one of the world’s most precious diamonds. Before buying any pink diamonds, though, obtain a certificate that indicates the diamonds are natural, synthetic, or have been treated to change their colour.