3 top tips for getting a Jewellery valuation in Hatton Garden

With gold prices at a near all-time high, there’s never been a better time to sell your old or unwanted jewellery – but if you’re a first-timer, it can be difficult to know whether you’re getting a fair price for your piece. Don’t worry – the stores of Hatton Garden are here to help! Here are our top tips for getting your jewellery valued…

Be prepared

Before taking your jewellery to be valued, make sure that it’s looking its best. Polish your piece with a specialised jewellery cleaning solution, and check it over to make sure that there are no loose settings or missing gems. It’s also useful to take any of the original documentation that you may have for the item – this could help the jeweller to assess it fairly and provide an accurate estimate.

Do some research

Look online at the new and second-hand prices for the kind of item that you’re selling. Take into account qualities like carat and clarity, and the condition of the piece. This will give you a good idea of a rough figure to expect, so that you’re not too disappointed (or surprised!) with the figure your piece of jewellery receives.

Shop around

Some jewellers may prioritise certain metals, gems and stones more highly than others, so it’s worth visiting a few stores to compare the prices they offer you. Make sure that you choose reputable jewellers with a good track record and level of experience – they’ll be able to give you a realistic assessment of your jewellery and pay you a fair, considerate price for parting with it.
If you’re thinking of getting your jewellery valued, you can find a list of reputable Hatton Garden jewellers who will be happy to help in our jewellery valuations directory.