Discover the Rarity of Fancy Coloured Diamonds

Fancy-coloured diamonds, known for their vibrant hues and striking beauty, represent some of the most captivating treasures in the world of gemstones. Unlike their colourless counterparts, these diamonds display a spectrum of colours ranging from deep blues and lush greens to fiery oranges and delicate pinks. Each colour tells a unique story of geological marvel, making fancy coloured diamonds not just an accessory but a piece of Earth’s history. These gemstones offer a stunning alternative for those seeking a distinctive symbol of love or a standout piece of jewellery.

What Are Fancy Coloured Diamonds?

Fancy-coloured diamonds are natural diamonds that exhibit colours other than the traditional colourless or white. These colours are formed due to specific conditions before the diamond reaches the surface. For example, the presence of boron causes blue diamonds, while nitrogen can give diamonds a yellow hue. Each coloured diamond’s distinct colouration is a result of the unique way it was formed and the particular elements it was exposed to.

Fun Fact: The famous Hope Diamond, known for its deep blue colour, owes its hue to trace amounts of boron atoms intermixed within its carbon structure.

These rare gems are graded differently from colourless diamonds. Instead of prioritising clarity and brilliance, the value of a fancy-coloured diamond is primarily determined by the intensity and saturation of its colour. The rarer the colour and the more intense the saturation, the more valuable the diamond.

The Science Behind the Colours

The creation of fancy coloured diamonds is a fascinating process that involves extreme geological forces and the presence of specific trace elements. Unlike colourless diamonds, which aim for minimal impurities, coloured diamonds owe their stunning hues to these “impurities” or chemical anomalies during their formation. For instance, green diamonds acquire their colour from natural radiation exposure, while purple diamonds result from changes in the diamond’s electron structure caused by extreme pressure during its formation.

Each colour in fancy coloured diamonds has a unique cause and rarity, leading to significant interest and value in the jewellery market. These diamonds are not merely beautiful but are also studied for their scientific value, providing insights into the geological processes of our planet.

List of Coloured Diamond Shades

Each of these colours adds a unique touch to jewellery, making diamonds not only a symbol of luxury but also a personal statement.

  1. Colourless: Completely clear and devoid of any colour. These diamonds are the most traditional and highly valued for their pure, icy appearance.
  2. Yellow: These diamonds range from pale to vivid canary yellow, influenced by the presence of nitrogen molecules. They offer a bright, sunny appearance.
  3. Brown: Known as champagne or cognac diamonds, they range from light brown to rich, deep hues, offering an earthy, warm aesthetic.
  4. Blue: Rare and highly prized, blue diamonds contain traces of boron which gives them a striking blue hue, from pale sky to deep ocean blue.
  5. Green: These uncommon diamonds acquire their colour from radiation exposure, resulting in shades from light mint to deep forest green.
  6. Pink: Extremely rare and sought after, pink diamonds vary from faint blush to vivid bubblegum shades, often commanding high prices.
  7. Red: The rarest diamond colour, with a deep, vivid red. Red diamonds are highly coveted and extremely valuable.
  8. Purple: These diamonds are quite rare and exhibit hues from lavender to deep violet, caused by unique crystal lattice distortions.
  9. Orange: A very rare colour in diamonds, with vibrant, sunny hues that are thought to be caused by the presence of nitrogen and carbon lattice defects.
  10. Black: These diamonds are either naturally black or treated to achieve their colour; they contain dark inclusions or are heavily included, giving a bold, opaque appearance.
  11. Grey: Exhibiting a steely, sophisticated shade, grey diamonds contain hydrogen and boron, giving them a subtle and neutral look.

The allure of these diamonds lies not only in their beauty but also in their exclusivity and the stories behind their formation.

Comparing Lab Grown to Natural Coloured Diamonds

With advances in technology, lab-grown coloured diamonds have begun to appear in the market, offering a more affordable and ethical alternative to natural fancy-coloured diamonds. These man-made gems are created through processes that mimic the natural conditions under which diamonds develop but do so in a controlled environment. While they share many of the physical properties of natural diamonds, purists and collectors often prize natural-coloured diamonds for their rarity and the unique stories they carry from millions of years beneath the Earth’s surface.

Choosing between a natural or lab-created coloured diamond often depends on personal values, budget, and the intended use of the diamond. While natural-coloured diamonds are investments and heirlooms, lab-created diamonds offer ethical appeal and accessibility.

Evaluating the Value of Coloured Diamonds

The value of coloured diamonds is primarily influenced by their rarity and the intensity of their colour. Unlike colourless diamonds, where clarity and brilliance are major valuation factors, coloured diamonds are valued based on the depth and uniqueness of their hue. A highly saturated pink or blue diamond can command prices that far exceed those of a similar-sized colourless diamond due to its scarcity.

How to Choose the Right Coloured Diamond

Choosing the right coloured diamond involves more than just selecting a favourite colour. Prospective buyers should consider the diamond’s hue, saturation, and tone. Hue refers to the visible colour, saturation to the richness or vividness, and tone to the lightness or darkness of the colour. Ideally, a fancy-coloured diamond should have a balanced saturation and a pleasing tone, without any zoning or uneven colour distribution that could detract from its beauty.

Expert Tip: Always view coloured diamonds under different lighting conditions to fully appreciate their colour and ensure it meet your expectations.

Additionally, the choice should align with personal style and the setting in which the diamond will be placed. For an engagement ring, a subtle yellow or champagne diamond might offer both uniqueness and practicality, while a green or orange diamond might be reserved for more adventurous tastes or special occasions.

Styling Tips for Fancy Coloured Diamond Jewellery

Styling fancy-coloured diamond jewellery demands a thoughtful approach to complement and enhance the stone’s natural beauty. For everyday wear, simpler settings that secure the diamond while allowing maximum exposure to light are ideal, as they highlight the stone’s colour. For more elaborate pieces, such as cocktail rings or pendants, additional white diamonds or complementary coloured gemstones can frame the main stone, accentuating its hue and adding a touch of luxury.

Investing in Coloured Diamonds

Investing in coloured diamonds can be a lucrative endeavour, particularly for those colours that are rare, like red, blue, and pink diamonds. These diamonds have not only held their value but have also seen significant appreciation over time. As investments, they offer both tangible and aesthetic returns, serving as wearable investments that can be passed down through generations.


Fancy-coloured diamonds captivate not only with their exceptional beauty but also with their compelling investment potential and unique styling versatility. From deep blues to fiery reds, each coloured diamond offers a glimpse into the extraordinary conditions under which it formed, bringing a piece of the earth’s vibrant palette into the realm of fine jewellery. Whether you are seeking to make a fashion statement, commemorate a special occasion, or invest in a future heirloom, fancy-coloured diamonds offer a spectrum of opportunities to fulfill your desires. Their enduring allure ensures that they remain a cherished choice for those who value uniqueness and quality in their jewellery collections.


  1. What is the rarest coloured diamond? Red diamonds are the rarest and most valuable.
  2. How are coloured diamonds graded? Based on their colour intensity, hue, and saturation.
  3. Can I customize a coloured diamond engagement ring? Yes, many jewellers offer bespoke designs for unique rings.
  4. Where can I purchase authentic coloured diamonds? Reputable jewellers and specialized diamond dealers.
  5. Are coloured diamonds a good investment? Yes, especially rare colours like blue, pink, and red.