Buying Jewellery At Auction

article 2517524 19CE71A500000578With author Barbara Taylor Bradford’s £1.5 million collection of jewellery being sold at auction at Bonhams in London later this week, many people may be considering purchasing jewellery at auction as a Christmas gift. But if you’re new to the world of jewellery auctions, what do you need to know?

Go Art Deco

Auctions can be great places to pick up Art Deco pieces (1920-1935). These typically incorporate platinum and diamonds and feature bold, linear designs that hold contemporary appeal – lookout for Arpels, Van Cleef or Cartier signed pieces.

Choose artistic designs

Artist-made jewellery from the 60s is another popular auction purchase – names such as Stuart Devlin, Andrew Grima and John Donald should be on your wishlist.

Look for style and character

It’s important to choose pieces which have their own individual style and character. Edwardian jewellery and Belle Epoque pieces will hold their value, and Georgian jewellery is also worth looking at – it can often be good value for money, as you’ll find fewer people chasing these pieces.

Keep it natural

Pearls are back in fashion, and over the last decade the value of a string of matching natural pearls has doubled, so it’s well worth investing in a beautiful pearl necklace or bracelet at auction.

Get pieces you love

Whilst Victorian jewellery can be grand and ostentatious, its gothic feel and dated appearance is often hard to wear with today’s fashions, making it less valuable. Choose pieces you love to wear which match your current style.