Expectant mother and Brazilian supermodel Alessandra Ambrosio have revealed her growing baby bump in a tasteful nude photo, as part of an ad campaign for jewellery firm Vivara. The picture was taken by acclaimed photographer Mert Marcus at the famous five-star Copacabana Palace Hotel in Rio de Janeiro and has attracted worldwide media attention.
Ambrosio, one of the top five best-paid models, already has one child; a daughter named Anja, and is expecting her second arrival, a boy, in June of this year. She has stated that pregnancy has made her more confident than ever, and perfectly happy to reveal her changing figure. She said: “A nude photoshoot was good because pregnancy makes me much more confident. I’m proud of my body to be generating a life.”
She certainly looks relaxed and comfortable in the black and white image, in which she showcases some of Vivara’s stunning earrings, bracelets and wedding rings from behind a set of sheer white curtains. Vivara, a Brazilian company, have a vast catalogue of jewellery for men and women, ranging from wedding rings and watches to keychains and necklaces. The pieces chosen for the ad adorn Ambrosio’s pregnant body in a tasteful and stylish manner.
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